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What is Reiki? 

Reiki is an ancient natural healing holistic therapy first discovered in Japan in the early 20th century in the year 1922 by Japanese founder Buddhist Mikao Usui.  

Reiki pronounced 'Ray Key'

Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power the soul and spirit"



Ki "vital energy" 

Ki means spirits, one's feelings, one's nature mood, frame of mind; temper, attention, disposition, character; mind to do something, temperament, intention, will, care, precaution".

Dr Mikao Usui

From the Usui Memorial, we know that Dr Mikao Usui was born on 15/08/1865 and died in 1926 aged 62. Subtracting the year of his birth from the year of his death would imply he died at 61, not 62 when he died. Why does the memorial say he was 62? The answer is that Japanese tradition counts the age from the time of conception not birth. By tradition in Japan, a baby is considered to be 1 year old on the day he/she is born.

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